Welcome to our Blog!

Let me tell you a little more about us. Alex and I are happily married and we work together at every wedding and photo session. We have three awesome children. Joey Victoria who is 2 years old and our twins Bianca & Alex, who were born in June 3rd 2015!
I love listening to music. I'm a huge Bon Jovi fan and when Alex isn't around, I'm usually singing out loud while working on the computer. I enjoy watching martial arts & figure skating; both of which I competed in when I was younger. I was pretty good in Tae Kwon Do, so you better don't mess with me... just kidding.
I love eating cereal, salads & sushi! My world wouldn't be complete without them! Sure, I'm a little crazy. And Alex is the official dishwasher at home and he loves cars and could talk about them all day. Our TV adiction is Shark Tank. We both are fluent in Spanish as it is our first language. We have a dog named Troy who always makes funny noises when sleeping. We love our life and each other and the freedom of creating images that reflect this crazy thing we are living called love.

VISIT our Website!: Blanca Durán Photography

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What we've been doing lately!


It's been a long time since I posted!

We've been delaying the launch of our new brand. I know we were going to reveal last month, but it has come to a longer process than I thought. All I can say is that I am very happy with the new look and the way I've been refining my style as an artist. I've been going through a slight change in terms of my personal taste and I feel happier with the pieces I create and the ones I want to create. With that being said, now you can see why I haven't posted any of the weddings and photo shoots we've been doing for months. I just wanted to start posting again once I've stated this transition. Clients: Do not panic! it is not a drastic change, it is just evolution. I can't wait to finally finish and launch the new site; to start with the personal photo shoots I have lined up, to finish the current ones I'm very excited about; to continue making progress in my education and reach the goals for next year, to start with our marketing program for BDKids and our new approach in AB Motion Video ( and that's only in the professional side). I know this is the busiest season of all with multiple weddings and almost daily photo-shoots, so probably not the right time to run all these different projects, but in reality, we are All busy all the time. Don't you agree? so it is always a good time to take action and bring things to life!

The one thing that I want tell you right now is that this Sunday's event 'Christmas in November' was a success! we had many families participating at our annual charity event and we managed to raise $500 dlls to buy first need items for Star of Hope helping homeless people and BARC animal shelter.   

I will be posting soon images of our families! Here is one cute shot so you can get the feeling of this beautiful event!

We'll can't wait to have you next year. Follow us to find out about the registrations for 2015.

To see more of my work visit www.blancaduran.com
Add me to your Google+  

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