Welcome to our Blog!

Let me tell you a little more about us. Alex and I are happily married and we work together at every wedding and photo session. We have three awesome children. Joey Victoria who is 2 years old and our twins Bianca & Alex, who were born in June 3rd 2015!
I love listening to music. I'm a huge Bon Jovi fan and when Alex isn't around, I'm usually singing out loud while working on the computer. I enjoy watching martial arts & figure skating; both of which I competed in when I was younger. I was pretty good in Tae Kwon Do, so you better don't mess with me... just kidding.
I love eating cereal, salads & sushi! My world wouldn't be complete without them! Sure, I'm a little crazy. And Alex is the official dishwasher at home and he loves cars and could talk about them all day. Our TV adiction is Shark Tank. We both are fluent in Spanish as it is our first language. We have a dog named Troy who always makes funny noises when sleeping. We love our life and each other and the freedom of creating images that reflect this crazy thing we are living called love.

VISIT our Website!: Blanca Durán Photography

Friday, June 30, 2017


 This Week's Wedding TIP
is Here!

Hi Dear Friends,

Getting married takes a lot of preparation and hard work. We want to have the best wedding ever, one that all of our friends and family will talk about for years.

So many times, however, we put a lot of effort into everything except ourselves. That’s why this week I want to talk about the first priority that every couple should make before everything else.
If you are physically confident about yourself, you are heading in the right direction.
But, if you recently saw some pictures of yourself that you didn’t like and you are creating all kind of excuses; it was that shirt, the pants, you had eaten right before, maybe it was the photographer, etc., this is the time to make a change. Perhaps your photographer could help you.

Why not do something so you can look and feel greater and be confident on your Big Day. If we feel that we have some extra pounds, losing 10% of our weight will definitely help us look better and be confident in front of a camera. So why wait until a week before the wedding to do this?

Let’s get involved! Find a nutritionist, a personal trainer, or ask a friend who just got married and looked spectacular on her wedding day after shedding those extra pounds. But, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, wait until it’s too late. Most of our brides start eating healthy and exercising at least three months before their wedding. So, no more excuses. Let’s do it!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Beautiful Hands

This Week's Wedding TIP
is Here!

Getting married takes a lot of preparation and hard work!
We want to have the best wedding ever. One that all of our friends and family will talk about for years. It happens sometimes, that we put a lot of effort into everything except ourselves.

This week I want to talk about a body part that most girls like to care for in all aspects. Some guys don’t really seem to care too much. Anyway, this is a body part that girls like to be soft, contrary to guys who usually don’t care if theirs is rough. If you didn’t catch it, well, I’m talking about our hands!

When we meet with someone, our handshake expresses how we feel. The cleanliness of our hands reveals much about us, too. In business photography our hands are one of the main parts when we photograph a couple. The way you hug says how you feel about that person. The way you touch will say how you care about them. Most professional photographers know how important the positioning of hands is during a portrait session.

This is especially true for a close up of hands, as in the ring exchange, engagement ring, etc. So, my tip for this week is for girls and guys. Getting a nice manicure is a basic need before your wedding day. This will help you to have nice, clean close ups of not only your hands but also your nails.

Please, don't leave all the work to your photographer or videographer, investing in yourself is a must before your Big Day.

We hope this information will help to make your Wedding Day stress free.

Stay tuned for another wedding tip next week!

- Blanca

Friday, June 2, 2017

How to get Beautiful eyes!

Hi Dear Friends,

Here I am with simple, but Amazing secrets to look even more Beautiful on your wedding day...

    Let me ask you something? What is the first thing that attracts your attention when you see someone's portrait? Of course, it's the eyes! The eyes are very important, as they tell us how a person feels at that moment and also shows us his or her soul through the light in their eyes. As a professional photographer, we will be able to get those catch lights in a close up portrait. Bright, clear eyes make portraits even greater! 

Our tip for today:
    Applying clear eye drops before a photo session will help to enhance your eyes and make you look rested. It will also enhance your eye color. Ladies, it's best to use the eye drops before you begin to apply your make up. It's a simple tip that will make a big difference.

 Thank you for following us and stay on track for another tip next week!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Telling Stories of Hope & Happiness

Hello Guys, This New Year I want to welcome you to our Fan Page in a different way. 2017 is going to be the reinventing year for Blanca Duran Photography. This year I will truly focus on the important things that matter to all of us- Relationships. Because no man is an island, we all need communication, and through this media- Storytelling will surface to show you what Life, Art and Love is all About.

So, here is one of the reasons I love to create images. I create them simply because people find the need to keep them. Wait, what? Yes, we find the need to keep them because It is human nature - but why so?Why is it important to our brain to keep those images? BECAUSE they are not just images -They are Stories!

Since the beginning of time we have told stories. Stories that help us understand what lies behind things. So we are used to hear them and we look forward to pass our own to new generations. So the pictures of our family, the pictures of our loved ones, the pictures of our wedding - Those are not just pretty faces or poses, those are actually stories of us.

You see, only we know what we have gone through to make it this far. So knowing that, makes those images more valuable. Those images of our wedding, our children, etc - The story behind those makes them invaluable. Then and only then they turn into a piece of art that you can admire. Those images make you fall in love all over again, they bring you smiles and they bring you happiness and hope.

That’s why I'm passionate about it! My work is there to remind you that even when a hundred things might not go the way you planned, there is always hope. So I capture you and your loved one and translate you onto an image for you to see that your story matters and for others to believe in love all over again. Every story is worth being remembered and immortalized.

“Taking pictures is only a job. But Telling Stories of Hope & Happiness is my Passion” Blanca D.

Instagram @blancaduranphotography

Thursday, November 24, 2016




Starting from

The Best Gift Ever:
Photo sessions, Albums, Gift Certificates for your Friends & Family, etc.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Body Beach

We had a great time photographing the Beautiful Alicia Robinson after competing at the John Sherman's Muscle Beach Classic.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Kristalin & George

LOVE & FUN Combined! We loved photographing this beautiful event for such a beautiful couple. These are only a few of our favorite moments. Hope you like them! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Christmas in November is here!

Spaces are filling up! Don't tell me I didn't warn you :)

Donate in exchange of your Portraits!

First come, first serve. Please support our cause. Star of Hope helps Homeless Men, Women and their children. BARC shelters animals without a home, but need your help to keep them alive!

Make sure to click "View more" in your selected item to read all the details.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Summer & Alex at Julia Ideson Library

Lovely couple! Summer & Alex got married at one of the most beautiful places in Houston. The wedding at The Julia Ideson Library. The celebration was full of gracefulness and romance. We feel very honored to be part of their very special day.  We hope you enjoy these images.